
The rocket used to launch the 540-kg spacecraft of Prob. 14.97 is redesigned to include two stages…

The rocket used to launch the 540-kg spacecraft of Prob. 14.97 is redesigned to include two stages…


The rocket used to launch the 540-kg spacecraft of Prob. 14.97 is redesigned to include two stages A and B, each of mass 9.5 Mg, including 8.9 Mg of fuel. The fuel is again consumed at a rate of 225 kg/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 3600 m/s. Knowing that when stage A expels its last particle of fuel, its casing is released and jettisoned, determine (a) the speed of the rocket at that instant, (b) the maximum speed imparted to the spacecraft.

Prob. 14.97 A 540-kg spacecraft is mounted on top of a rocket with a mass of 19 Mg, including 17.8 Mg of fuel. Knowing that the fuel is consumed at a rate of 225 kg/s and ejected with a relative velocity of 3600 m/s, determine the maximum speed imparted to the spacecraft if the rocket is fired vertically from the ground.


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