
The Significance Of Shay’s Rebellion Of 1786

The Significance Of Shay’s Rebellion Of 1786


Answer the discussion questions below;

What events led up to the Marbury v. Madison case of 1803 and what were the results?

In what ways did the Federalists’ vision for the United States differ from that of their Republican opponents during the 1790s?

What were the debates surrounding the ratification of the Constitution? How were they resolved?

What was the “dirty compromise” and the three-fifths clause and why were they agreed to?

Why did some “free states” as well as some “slave states” support the Electoral College idea? Why did some “free states” as well as some “slave states” opposed the Electoral College

What is the Electoral College and why was it created?

Why could neither the “small states” nor the “large states”, the “slave” states or the “free states” get a constitution ratified without compromise?

What was the Great Compromise?

Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans.

What is the significance of Shay’s Rebellion of 1786?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? How did they contribute to the creation of a new U.S. constitution in 1787?

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