
The Strengths, Weaknesses, And Value Of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography As An Historical Source

The Strengths, Weaknesses, And Value Of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography As An Historical Source


This prompt goes directly with the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

Assess the strengths, weaknesses, and value of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography as an historical source. For what purposes, if any, is it useful? What problems or shortcomings, if any, does it have? Explain. (The observation that “this is only one person’s view” is rarely a useful criticism of a primary source, and it should not be a mainstay of your paper.)

Some other directions from the professor:

Organize your paper carefully. In your introduction, introduce the book, establish your topic, and state your thesis. In the body of your paper, develop your argument logically, and present your evidence clearly. In the conclusion, summarize the paper’s key point(s).

STYLE: Your paper must have a thesis, and you must support that thesis with evidence and examples from the book. Your thesis does not have to be profound or controversial, but do NOT simply summarize what you have read. Instead, analyze the book in light of the theme you have chosen, and explain your analysis. Maintain your focus on the book, your thesis, and the era relevant to the subject; avoid commentary on present-day issues and circumstances.
​Assume that you are writing for a general audience of reasonably intelligent people who probably do not know the book as well as you do. Introduce the book, and develop your explanations and analysis so that your presentation would be clear to such an audience.

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