
The topic is: “Chocolate economy”

The topic is: “Chocolate economy”

I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.

The topic is: “Chocolate economy”

This paper should have FIVE Paragraphs, which consisted of An introduction, three body paragraphs and one conclusion.

Every single paragraph should follow the instruction of “PIE paragraph”. Which means we should have 3 body paragraphs write in PIE paragraph structure. I will upload an image of what should be included in the “PIE paragraph” below.

More specifically, the first body paragraph should be analyzed from “logic’s” perspective.

The second body paragraph should be analyzed from “emotion’s” perspective.

the third body paragraph should be analyzed from “credibility’s” perspective.

Every single body paragraph should have one reference. Three references in total, based on three body paragraphs we have.

“20200219202627the_symbolism_of_chocolates_final (1).doc” this one was an sample u wrote last time

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