
Thesis and annotated bibliography | Philosophy homework help

Thesis and annotated bibliography | Philosophy homework help



This week, submit the following:

  • A thesis statement stating your opinion/conclusion on the issue, the supporting points you will offer and at least one relevant opposing view you will address.
  • An annotated bibliography with evaluation of at least five (5) sources you intend to use in your final paper to support your claim.
    • These are sources that provide evidence to support that your claim should be accepted by the reader.
    • Scholarly sources are preferred and should be used where available; due to the nature of some of the topics, authoritative articles in very high quality substantive journals may also be acceptable.

Use the Source Evaluation Worksheet to determine the following:

  • If your source is current
    • If it is not current, explain why you think it is acceptable.
  • If your source is credible, reliable, and authoritative
  • How well your source supports your thesis
    • If the annotation does not make this obvious, explain to your instructor how you will use it.
  • If your support is popular
    • If it is, explain to your instructor why you think it is acceptable.

Prepare a citation, annotation, and evaluation for each source.

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