
This is an assessment for grading

This is an assessment for grading


This is an assessment for grading. This assessment is worth 15% of your course grade.

You will now use the feedback you have collected throughout the course to complete one final journal study to submit for grading.


  1. Select one of the following topics:
  • Sleep recovery and metabolic dysregulation
  • Importance of sleep on repairing DNA
  • Neanderthal diet
  • 3D printing mouthguards for releasing medication
  • Xenotransplantation and biotechnology
  1. For your selected topic you can search on your own for an academic journal article related to the topic, or use the suggested article linked to below.
  2. Find 1 or 2 articles in the media referencing that research and critique them. This should be 1 paragraph stating if the article is an accurate reflection of the research, if there is any bias, any improvements that you would suggest.
  3. Write a summary paragraph about the research and submit for grading.
  4. Write a 1-page reflection (250 words) on what you have learned in this course about primary and secondary sources in scientific research. Consider the following prompts in your reflection. You do not need to answer each question, just use the prompts to help guide your writing.


  • What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
  • How difficult can primary sources be to interpret?
  • What are some of the hazards of using secondary sources?
  • Are all secondary sources entirely accurate?
  • What are some things to look for in secondary sources to help you identify if they are good sources or not?
  • How difficult do you find paraphrasing? Did you learn any tips and tricks to help you paraphrase?

The post This is an assessment for grading appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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