
Tipping Points and Abrupt Climate Change Instructions

Tipping Points and Abrupt Climate Change Instructions


Topic : Tipping Points and Abrupt Climate Change Instructions The assignment has two sections: Section A: Short Critical ReflectionsSection B: Essay  Section A: Short Critical ReflectionsThe critical reflection should present your own thoughts and responses to the reading. Thus, it is an interaction between the ideas in the reading and your own interpretation and response to what you have read. The critical reflection is a polished piece of writing that will be assessed using the criteria specified in “Assignment Instructions”. It should include an introduction, a body that presents your thoughts clearly and logically, and a conclusion. You may write in the first person but be sure to refer to some of the ideas that are introduced in the reading. Section B: Essay ) Given what you now know about the science of climate change, write an essay on why you think (or do not think) climate change caused by anthropogenic sources is occurring. You will need to use what you learned about the science of climate change to support your position. A strong paper will incorporate some of the key concepts introduced in this module

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