
To What Extent Did Women Struggle For Power In French mandate Syria & Lebanon From 1920 To 1936

To What Extent Did Women Struggle For Power In French mandate Syria & Lebanon From 1920 To 1936


Topic: to what extent did women struggle for Power in French mandate Syria & Lebanon from 1920 to 1936?

introduction around 500 words.
focus on the research question.
include the background of the topic.
the aim of the essay.
why is the topic worth investigating

body of the essay around 3000 words.
present a reasoned argument clearly and in an organized manner with research to support your claims.
Sub-headings within the main body of the essay will help the reader to understand the argument
analyzing the history at that period and developing the research question

conclusion around 500 words
restating the research question and its consistent with the argument and the explanation in the essay
Summarize the leading facts in the argument

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