
Types Of Buildings And Immediate Surroundings OF The O.C Bridges Regional Center

Types Of Buildings And Immediate Surroundings OF The O.C Bridges Regional Center


Research paper about O.C Bridges regional center

Identify the facility (2 Points)

a. type of facility (school, clinic, etc.)

b. address

c. phone number

d. contact person (obtain the business card and attach to report)

e. history of the agency

f. sources of funding

Describe the physical layout of the facility (3 Points)

describe type of building and immediate surroundings

describe neighborhood

Accessibility: bus routes, location

environment and safety issues

Type of Services Provided (3 Points)

a. case management, direct services, referral services, job coaching, client education/teaching etc.

b. resources for clients (what services are available, what do they offer/provide?)

Type of Clients Served/Population Served (3 Points)

numbers (number of clients served annually)

age range of clients served



types of developmental conditions/disorders

5. Your Opinion of the facility (3 points)

a. first impressions

b. observations about the staff and their interactions with clients

c. observations of client services

d. is this a facility where you would recommend to your family/friends or a place you would refer your clients???

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