
Unscientific Characteristics Of Cultural Anthropological Fieldwork

Unscientific Characteristics Of Cultural Anthropological Fieldwork



1. Does cultural anthropological fieldwork have any unscientific characteristics? Answer with yes or no. explain your answer.

2. In class you learned about anthropologist Richard Antoun’s work in Jordan and that he spent about 40 years collecting data there at different times. Name and explain this type of ethnographic technique according to your textbook.

3. What is problem-oriented ethnography? Did Zora Naele Hurston use problem oriented ethnography? Answer “yes” or “no” and explain your answer.

4. “a healer does not learn from his teacher all the medicines it is possible to learn. For no man knows all of them. When a healer meets someone who knows a plant of which he is ignorant he may try to buy the knowledge. As the years go on, and a healer comes into wider contact with other healers, he gradually adds to his store of medicines.”

You learned two approaches to studying cultures. What approach is this anthropologist using? Explain your answer.

5. In class you were introduced to several ethnographies. One of these was “Tuhami: portrait of a Moroccan.” If you remember, this study is about the life of a poor tilemaker who believed he married to a jinn. Name and explain this type of ethnographic technique.

6. Answer each of the questions below.

A. Who was writing the second-hand reports anthropologists relied upon form information about other cultures before the 20th century?
B. What were (2) two problems with using these kinds of reports?
C. What was the solution to these problems?

7. Answer each of the following.
A. What was the etic approach?
B. Which of the two approaches to the study of culture is the etic approach more closely related to? Explain.

8. What research method is most closely associated with cultural anthropological fieldwork?
A. Provide its name.
B. Explain two of its benefits for research that were provided in class.

9. “Kamanga himself was anxious to find out if Badobo and Bogwozu were teaching him all the medicines the knew. He had opportunities for comparing notes with independent healers, a large number of whom he met after he had begun to eat magical meals and take part in the rituals.”
A. Your learned two approaches to studying cultures. What approach is this anthropologist using?
B. Explain your answer.

10. In cultural anthropological research, is it appropriate to use telescopes to hidden cameras to collect information and research data for populations that are difficult to study?
A. Answer with yes or no.
B. Explain your answer.

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