
Using research in planning | PREL 3001 – Principles of Public Relations | Walden University

Using research in planning | PREL 3001 – Principles of Public Relations | Walden University


Being able to use research and apply findings to programming is the basis for success. Knowing how to provide information to the media and then evaluating the results is a key driver. In this Assignment, you will have an opportunity to observe and evaluate public relations at work in real events and situations. It may be challenging to identify the role of public relations in a situation. You will find it helpful to look at the source for the information – for example, company reports, independent research, or a third party. Look also at how the information was delivered – for example, whether by a spokesperson, company website, or press conference.

To prepare:

Choose a news story from your Weekly News Review. The story you select should involve a topic or situation in which public relations had a role such as community or consumer issues or products, finance or investment, sports or entertainment, government affairs, nonprofits, or corporate change, such as restructuring, new management, or new product development. The situation in the story should also meet the following criteria:

  • It involves more than one of the organization’s target audiences.
  • It appears in more than one type of media outlet.
  • It is significant or complex enough to require involvement from top management (as spokesperson, as authority, etc.).

In a Word document, complete the following steps:

  • Write three media relations output objectives that you believe would have been or should have been used by the public relations practitioner involved in the story. At least one objective should be written to include a social networking media outlet, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
  • Write three media relations outcome objectives that you believe would have been or should have been used by the public relations practitioner involved in the story. At least one objective should be written to include adapting to a new social networking media outlet.
  • Write a simple 10-question survey or a 1-hour focus group guide that would help the organization to plan its next steps.

Weekly News Review

  • CNN
  • BBC
  • ABC
  • CBS
  • NBC
  • Fox News
  • NPR

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