
Using the scenario below, explain what Rosa saw in the MRI scan of her brain.

Using the scenario below, explain what Rosa saw in the MRI scan of her brain.

I don’t know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.

Using the scenario below, explain what Rosa saw in the MRI scan of her brain.

Why is she likely suffering from problems with her thinking and focus? Make some predictions about what kinds of neurological problems she will develop if she continues to drink.

Scenario: Rosa

Rosa had not been feeling well for the past few weeks. She decided to see her doctor because of her feeling stressed, tired, and unfocused at work and at home. She told the doctor that she has been feeling stressed at her job to complete a lot of work in a short amount of time. This has caused her to bring work home even though she has to care for her two teenage sons. She reported that she started drinking a few glasses before bed to help her get to sleep. For the past two years, her alcohol consumption has increased with her stress levels. She now struggles with insomnia and feeling overwhelmed. Her doctor ordered MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans of her brain and asked her to return the next week.

Rosa returned to see her doctor a week later. During that appointment, he showed her the brain scan and explained that she should begin to make some lifestyle changes in her life. She was struck by the differences between her brain and a healthy one and promised to make some changes.

Chapters 3 and 4

Textbook-Ward, J. (2015). The student’s guide to cognitive neuroscience (3rd edition). Devon, UK: Psychology Press.

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Primary posts make at least one direct reference to the unit material, text, or other academic source AND when specified at least 1 other academic source and include the citation(s)/reference(s) to the source(s) using APA format.

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