
W. E. B. DuBois invites all readers, regardless of ethnic background, to consider his proposition th

W. E. B. DuBois invites all readers, regardless of ethnic background, to consider his proposition th


W. E. B. DuBois invites all readers, regardless of ethnic background, to consider his proposition that the “color-line” will constitute the “problem of the Twentieth Century.”By the way, you have just passed another turn of centuries, from the 20th to the 21st. From your “modern” perspective, do you feel that DuBois’s statement is still valid today? Do you find that DuBois was correct in his prediction that issues of “race” and “ethnicity” would be at the center of American social, political and artistic developments? Or do you find that the interaction between “minorities” and “majorities” in the United States has taken on a lesser or different role than that which DuBois predicted?W. E. B. Dubois claims that the “colorline” has and will continue to be America’s Number 1 problem.Create a brief but accurate outline for a 5-paragraph essay. Your outline should include:Introduction (and thesis)Three body paragraphsConclusion

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