
  Week 2 – Assignment 1: Analyze Methods to Develop a Research Chart Instructions

Week 2 – Assignment 1: Analyze Methods to Develop a Research Chart Instructions You will now add information from this week’s materials to your Research Chart. In the corresponding section, provide the name(s) of the method you reviewed, its primary use and when it should be used, strengths and limitations of the method, ethical considerations, and one example of when the method could be used (include your interests or something more general). Length: Updated research chart, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to cite this week’s resources used in your assignment. Week 2 – Assignment 2: Evaluate Quasi-Experimental Designs Instructions For this assignment, review Questions 1 and 8 on page 268 in the Review Questions section from your text. Then, develop a brief paper responding to these two questions. Question 1 asks about the two main exceptions of a quasi-experimental design being structured similar to an experiment, and Question 8 invites thoughtful reflection as to why single-case design is considered an experimental research design. Support your assignment with at least two scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included. Length: 1 page, not including title and reference pages Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Table of Contents Section 1: Types of Quantitative Research Week 2 Week 2 – Assignment 3: Document Weekly Reflections Week 2 – Assignment 3: Document Weekly Reflections Instructions For this week’s reflection, consider the following points: • Explain the research situations that may require you to use quasi-experimental and single-case experimental methods (be sure to give examples/be specific). • Examine the limitations and benefits learned about these methods and their use. • Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing these methods. • Reflect on your experience with this week’s Review Question activity. • Include any questions you may have for your professor. Length: 2 pages, not including the title page (and resource page if applicable) Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

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