
Week 5 discussion 2 professional learning communities | EDU 696 Capstone II: Culminating Project | Ashford University

Week 5 discussion 2 professional learning communities | EDU 696 Capstone II: Culminating Project | Ashford University



One component of the 21st Century Professional Development (Links to an external site.) framework encourages sharing knowledge with fellow faculty, using face-to-face, virtual and blended communications. When we think of sharing knowledge, we often think of using professional learning communities. In several of your courses, the concept of a professional learning community (PLC) is presented and elaborated on. A professional learning community consists of individuals with an interest in education. The focus of a professional learning community can be taking measures to ensure students learn, creating a culture of collaboration in the school, for school improvement and more (DuFour, 2004). In this discussion, you will deliberate about the use of professional learning communities as they relate to the 21st Century Professional Development (Links to an external site.) framework with an emphasis on technology.

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