
Week 5: discussion: perspectives that underpin your editorial thinking

Week 5: discussion: perspectives that underpin your editorial thinking



Week 5: Discussion: Perspectives that underpin your editorial thinking Options Menu: Forum

As noted by Kirk (2016), angle, framing, and focus are useful perspectives that help to shape your editorial thinking.

Select 1 of these perspectives and mention why you selected it. ***Please note this is YOUR perspectives.  This is YOUR opinion, YOUR views.  Do not copy from any research/resource.

Remember your initial post on the main topic should be posted by Wednesday 11:59 PM (EST). Your 2 following posts should be commenting on your classmates’ post on different days by Sunday 11:59 PM (EST). You should end the week with 3 total discussion posts.

A quality post is more than stating, “I agree with you.” Maybe you should state why you agree with your classmate’s post. Additionally, post some examples or find a related topic on the internet or University’s library and comment on it in the discussion post.

Reference: Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications.

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