
What Can The United States Do To Prevent Mass Shootings And Gun Violence

What Can The United States Do To Prevent Mass Shootings And Gun Violence



This research essay is an exploratory essay. My topic is the rise of mass shootings and gun violence in the united states. My following questions are 1. Is there correlation between presidency, race, and shootings? 2. What can the United States do to prevent mass shootings and gun violence? 3. What are the statistics underlying gun violence in the United States? 4. Does mental health have any correlation with mass shootings and gun violence?.  My introduction is: Every day, 103 people die from gun violence in the United States of America. Unfortunately, mass shootings or an encounter with a gun is something Americans have to think about every day whether they are home, work, school, or even grocery shopping. The rise of gun violence in the United States is alarming and society and the United States officials should be taking action to prevent these tragedies. I am going to be talking about ways we as a country should take into consideration for the prevention of gun violence. I will also be exploring issues surrounding gun violence such as: the correlation between presidency, race, and mass shootings, the correlation between mental health and gun violence, and where does the United States’ gun culture compare to other countries in the world.

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