What can We do to Increase Voter Participation?
Prompt: While voter turnout in the U.S. is relatively low, it varies from state to state. One reason for this is the U.S. Constitution gives states control of voter registration and voting. Therefore, “there is wide variation in the laws governing elections and voting from state to state” (Ginsberg, et. al., 2019). How do voter-registration requirements and/or voting laws impact these variations in voter turnout? What actions can we take to increase voter participation in states like Texas with low voter turnout?
Assignment Learning Objectives and outcomes:
Explain the effect of electoral laws on voting
What can we do to increase voter participation?
Analyze the state and local election process.
Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens
Instructions: Using the information from the readings and state voting resources linked below, research and provide the voting registration requirements and election laws for both Texas and one of the states with higher voter turnout listed below. Please include the (1) voter registration requirements and deadlines (2) laws governing early voting including absentee and mail-in voting (3) any state voter ID laws.
States with high voter turnout: Minnesota, Maine, New Hampshire, Wisconsin & Oregon
Based on your research, how do voter-registration requirements and/or election laws in each state impact the variations in voter turnout between the two states?
Taking into account the different state laws governing voter registration and voting, how could we increase voter turnout in Texas? Specifically, share, at least, two policy proposals that you think would lead to greater voter turnout in Texas. If you use an idea from a source, be sure to provide proper in text citations and references using MLA.
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