
What is an Annotated Bibliography and Why Use One? A bibliog

What is an Annotated Bibliography and Why Use One? A bibliog


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What is an Annotated Bibliography and Why Use One? A bibliography merely lists the sources you are using in your research, but an annotated bibliography gives a description (an annotation) of each source. Usually, an annotated bibliography is formatted just like a bibliography (Works Cited page)–all the sources are listed alphabetically. However, an annotated bibliography has an annotation (note) after each source. The annotations can vary significantly in length, from two or three sentences for each source, up to half a page.If you have some idea of what your thesis will be, you can include your tentative thesis with the annotated bibliography, if you want my feedback on the thesis. If you are still not sure, you do not need to include the tentative thesis.An annotation usually gives a brief summary of the source then some sort of evaluation. In other words, what information is contained in this source? Is it helpful? Is it relevant to your research? How so? How does it compare with the other sources? Think of it as a reading response to your source: how can it help you in terms of “claims and evidence” in your research paper. How can you use the source to explain your views? The annotated bibliography is a way of gathering together in one place what might be random notes scribbled on various sheets of paper. Looking at all your sources at once can help you generated a cohesive thesis. An annotated bibliography is useful in preparing to write a research paper because It forces you to summarize and evaluate your sources. It can help you get a good sense of what is being said about your topic. It can also be a valuable resource for other people doing similar research.How Many Entries Must I Have? A minimum of ten (10) sources.You can have as many as you want. You are not required to use the annotated bibliography entries in your final paper if you find other sources later that you prefer. Five sources must be from library databases, and at least three must be peer reviewed sources. Steps to Developing a Clear and Useful Annotated BibliographyAbove the first entry, provide a one paragraph overview of your sources explaining how they relate to your topic, and to one another. Explain the different types of sources you have included, and, briefly, why you think they will be convincing or credible for your reader.List source information in MLA style Works Cited entry formatting, in alphabetical order.Read through the original source before writing your annotation; do not rely completely on abstracts or descriptions by others.Write your annotationcarefully and precisely, using complete sentences. Identify the author’s purpose, intended audience, and thesis; write your annotation to remind yourself why or how you thought the source might be useful in your research paper, and mention how it relates to other sources, if applicable. Explain why you think this source is credible. Provide a scholarly or historical context for the source.Tip: Be creative about the type of sources you include. Sometimes sources that do not directly relate to your specific topic can be useful. For example, if writing about marriage equality, you could quote an author writing about marriage in general. Similarly, use sources that disagree with your view. You can incorporate them as opposing points of view, and then explain their weaknesses. Use works that are relevant, as well as topical.Sample MLA Annotated Bibliography ItemsKreie, Jennifer, and Timothy Paul Cronan. “Making Ethical Decisions.” Communications of the ACMvol. 43, No. 12., 2017, Pp. 66-71. Proquest. ezproxy.nypl.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.i.ezproxy.nypl.org/docv… 1512388143?accountid=35635.The authors, professors of computer systems, present findings of a study of 300 college students to support their theory that businesses who promote a strong ethical code of conduct can influence employee behavior in certain situations. The paper builds on an earlier study conducted by the authors. While the results of the study appear valid the survey is limited in its scope to a small population. A comparison of a similar survey conducted in a work place would be a valuable addition to this study. While the authors’ conclusion that people rely on their personal values when making ethical decisions is perhaps stating the obvious, this article provides a good starting point for additional research on the topic. The list of sources could lead to additional credible sources. Lange, Karl P. ‘Native American Medicines and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.” Journal of Western American History No. 51., 2016, Pp. 534-568. JSTOR. www.jstor.org/stable/24487691.Lange, a Doctor of Naturopathic medicine at Eastern State University, presents a convincing argument that the Lewis and Clark expedition would have failed had they relied solely on the medicines in common use in the United States at the time. Lange supports his arguments with numerous passages from the published journals and letters of expedition members. This is a very informative article which provides an extensive inventory of native medicines including how they were used by the expedition. The article is well illustrated with numerous diagrams of native plants used by the expedition and contains an extensive bibliography of additional resources.Tannen, Deborah. ‘The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why.’ The Harvard Business Review. Sept-Oct 2014. Pp. 138-148.Proquest.ezproxy.nypl.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.i.ezproxy.nypl.org/ocview/1512388143?accountid=35635.According to Tannen, communication between men and women in the workplace can be likened to cross-cultural communication. The use of language is learned social behavior; divergent formative cultural and social experiences of men and women lead them to use linguistic and communicative styles with differing expectations, rituals and social objectives. In the workplace, this can affect or interfere with processes of giving feedback, criticizing and negotiating.Annotated Bibliography Rubric — 100 points totalCriteriaExceedsMeetsApproachesEntries are alphabetized and comply with MLA style formatting.7 – 10 points3 – 6 pointsFewer than 3 pointsCollection includes ten sources, with at least five from library databases. At least three of the sources must be scholarly peer reviewed articles.10 – 15 points5 – 9 pointsFewer than 5 pointsAnnotations include an evaluation of a source’s usefulness, appropriateness,and/or relationship to the topic.7 – 10 points3 – 6 pointsFewer than 3 pointsWriter articulates a unifying purpose for the bibliography through a critical preface or introduction10 – 15 points5 – 9 pointsFewer than 5 pointsWriter demonstrates an understandingof the networked or relational nature of the sources10 – 15 points5 – 9 pointsFewer than 5 pointsWriter maintains the tone and position of a curious and humble academic researcher7 – 10 points3 – 6 pointsFewer than 3 pointsAnnotations start with an accurate snapshot of the source’s big idea/argument and relevant context7 – 10 points3 – 6 pointsFewer than 3 pointsAnnotations are proofread and adhere to standard conventions of English7 – 10 points3 – 6 pointsFewer than 3 pointsUse this assignment to collect sources you might be able to use in your Annotated Bibliography. On each of the following three websites, find an article on a topic (or topics) related to your final paper topic. Remember that sources can be indirectly related to your topic, or related to issues that have similar arguments. For example, if you are writing about the effects of gender stereotypes in video games, you might use an article from a journal on child psychology to show that children are influenced by what they see on screens at young ages, or perhaps changes in self-esteem during adolescence. Or, if you are writing about mass incarceration, you might research recidivism rates in U.S. prisons. Be creative about how information related to your topic. Find one article per website, for a total of three articles. ACLU.org (Links to an external site.)Pew Research Center (Links to an external site.)ProCon.org (Links to an external site.)List each article as a Works Cited entry in MLA style, and write a few sentences discussing why or how you could use this article as a source, and/or why you found it interesting. Here is a guideline to a Works Cited entry for an article on a website using MLA Style, 8th Edition:Author’s last name, Author’s first name. ‘Title of Article.’ Name of Website. Date the Article or Website was published. The URL. Smith, Jan. ‘Cats are Fun.’ Slate. 7 July 2016. www.slate.com/cats_are_fun (Links to an external site.)If there is no author’s name provided, begin the entry with the title of the article. If no title is provided, begin the entry with the name of the website.

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