
What might be some advantages or disadvantages to legislation guiding the practice of assessment? 

What might be some advantages or disadvantages to legislation guiding the practice of assessment? 


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March 6, 2021

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March 6, 2021

After you have completed the assigned Readings and Web Reading . Your primary post should be no less than 350 words in length and should address both sections A and B. Your primary post must be specific, concise, and substantive.
Topic 1: Intellectual Assessment
Provide discussion related to one specific strength and one specific weakness of the process of intellectual assessment. Be sure to provide detailed information to back up your discussion based upon the readings in this unit.
2. Discuss the relevance of legislation on the processes of achievement and aptitude assessment. Be sure to include details that are typically related to the readings and the Web link from this unit. What might be some advantages or disadvantages to legislation guiding the practice of assessment?
Web Reading and link
Please access the following website:
Source: Clinical Assessment: Pearson Education, Inc.
Retrieved from http://www.pearsonassessments.com/

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