
What skills do you see as vital to the work of a career counselor?

What skills do you see as vital to the work of a career counselor?


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March 6, 2021

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March 6, 2021

Week 6 Discussion 1
No unread replies.No replies.Day NumberWeek DayWhat is Due
Day 1
Your introduction to others (Week One Only)
Day 3
Initial Post for each discussion
Day 7
Substantive responses to at least two peers
Points you receive on discussions will reflect the quality of your initial post and responses.
Ask at least one question in response to an original peer post that you would like the author to explore further.
Support your initial and subsequent posts by citing at least two academic resources, preferably from the University of the Rockies Library.
Weekly Discussion 1
Holistic Career Counseling
Throughout the course, it has been conveyed that a large part of the work of a career counselor is related to information gathering and the dissemination of that information. With continuous advances in technology, this is no small undertaking. In many cases, career counselors serve as the only support that clients have in addressing career-related needs.
Considering the learning material in this course, what additional insight can you offer on the role of career counselors? What skills do you see as vital to the work of a career counselor? Additionally, what skills might be needed in working with individuals with disabilities or from diverse backgrounds? What strengths will you bring to the field of career counseling? Your post should be at least 300 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Day 7.
Point Value: 3 Points

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