
White Paper: cybersecurity threats

This is my discussion Memo For my White Paper, maybe this will help to get the idea of the paper. I will also add the feedback I got from my instructor about this memo at the bottom.

What is your topic?

My topic will be discussing cybersecurity threats, with the risk of phishing and ransomware constantly on the rise everyone that uses a device connected to the world wide web needs to be aware of the risks associated with being online specifically from the cybersecurity aspect of being a victim of phishing. My white paper will review the risks associated with phishing and the devastating damage it can do. My paper will also go into depth on best practices for protecting against phishing and ransomware.


Who is your intended audience and what is their profile?

The target audience of this paper is primarily anyone who conducts business of any sort online. From just simply emailing friends and family to conducting research and purchasing goods.
The secondary audience are those who are in the cyber security profession who are in charge of the cybersecurity for their company. They need to be aware of how to prevent threats and inform employees how to avoid threats.


As you state, there are certainly many risks associated with phishing; however, I expect that phishing, itself, isn’t the key problem for your paper. My experience is that the problem is many companies don’t do enough to train/educate their employees to help avoid these issues. This problem aligns with what you mention in your audience section where you state that your audience needs to be aware of how to prevent the threats. Based on this, it appears you are advocating for better training/education as a solution to combat this issue.

Is this an accurate interpretation of your proposed paper? 

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