
Why Hierarchy Is Inevitable Or The Result Of Social Construction

Why Hierarchy Is Inevitable Or The Result Of Social Construction


Hierarchies in their most pure form (e.g., we’re not talking about dictatorship governments or terrible jobs we have hated) have existed for much of human history.

(a) In a nutshell, some people believe that hierarchies are naturally occurring phenomenon, and that humans behavior is geared, whatever it may be, from an evolutionary basis to act in ways that organize and reinforce hierarchies.

(b) In a nutshell, some people believe that hierarchies are social constructions created and reinforced by dominant powers, whatever they have been, and simply exists because power and wealth are disproportionately distributed throughout the world.

Answer: What do you think and why? Is hierarchy inevitable or the result of social construction? Is there a difference? Do you support A, B, or have a different view altogether? If so, what is it?


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