
Why is blood pressure a sensible reading to measure circulatory health?

Why is blood pressure a sensible reading to measure circulatory health?




Submission Instructions

Please complete your answers to the lab questions on this form. Please complete your answers, and SAVE the file in a location which you will be able to find again. Then, attach and submit the completed form to the Week 4 Laboratory dropbox in the Ashford University classroom.

Result Tables

Table 2: Blood Pressure and Pulse Readings



Blood Pressure (mmHg)    Systolic/Diastolic

Pulse (Beats/Minute)


Basal   (Normal)


Lying   Down


After   Exercise

Post-Lab Questions

1. What is systolic pressure? What is diastolic pressure?

2. Why is blood pressure a sensible reading to measure circulatory health?

3. Explain the “lub-dub” sounds of the heartbeat.

4. Why do blood pressure and heart rate change after exercise?

5. How might the results in Table 2 change if someone else preformed the activities? Why?

6. Why is it important for blood to flow in only one direction?

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