
Why is Universal Hearing Screening of Newborn Important to the Outcomes of Deaf Children?

Why is Universal Hearing Screening of Newborn Important to the Outcomes of Deaf Children?


Topic: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Causes of hearing loss
Why is universal hearing screening of newborn important to the outcomes of deaf children?
What are the concept of Deaf culture, give examples of signs of Deaf culture and their importance to the Deaf.
What are variables that must be considered when planning instruction for students with hearing problems.
Provide major types of assistive technology for designed for people with hearing problems and give examples for each.

*Here is a Reflective Journal Format for your writing expectations. You need a…

1. Topic

2. Introduction

3. Triggering event of situation

4. Appraisal

5. Exploration

6. Conclusion or Integration

7. References

The writing assignment follows a general format that includes a Title page, Table of content, 1” margins, double spacing, page numbers, Times New Roman #12 font, APA referencing format.

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