
Why States Should(Not) Be Allowed To Legalize Marijuana For Unrestricted Use

Why States Should(Not) Be Allowed To Legalize Marijuana For Unrestricted Use


Look at the text of the U.S. Constitution and find and read the first 10 amendments (also known as the Bill of Rights) as well as the 14th amendment. Relate a personal experience under which you exercised a Constitutional right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Explain with a minimum of a 8-10 sentence paragraph.
Search ‘Hamilton’ using the Open Stax search tool to re-read sections on his life. After considering the history, explain one of Hamilton’s many political ideas as well as an aspect of his personal life that you found interesting. Write a minimum of 4-6 sentence paragraph.
The 10th amendment reads “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The Constitution does not specifically give the federal government the power to regulate marijuana, but the Constitution does specify that citizens of one state are entitled to enjoy the rights of other states. The question is this: Should states be allowed to legalize marijuana for unrestricted use if the federal government deems it illegal?
Respond to two other students’ posts with 3-5 sentence posts. Don’t be afraid to respectfully challenge other students’ arguments.
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