
Write a 525- to 700-word paper that examines historical changes in film. Instructions are attached.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that examines historical changes in film. Instructions are attached.

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Write a 525- to 700-word paper that examines historical changes in film. Instructions are attached. PLEASE NOTE: there are known issues with using the Internet Explorer (IE) browser when submitting assignments. It will show that the assignment is submitted, but the assignment is not actually attached. If you have this problem, switch to Chrome and resubmit. Chrome is the preferred and recommended browser for Blackboard Ultra.

Submit all assignments as Microsoft® Office Word documents. Do not type or copy/paste your assignments as text in the assignment submission area or post your assignment as a Works, WordPerfect, Open Office, WordPad, or any other type of document unless specified in the assignment (the only exception would be if assignments that are to be done as PowerPoints). If you use a different application to complete your assignments, use “save as” to save them as a Word .doc or .docx document before submitting.

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