
write a small introduction about an it based company example ecommere company ebanking etc this could be the company you are working for or a fictional company the introduction should include explain the company s activities list three type 1

write a small introduction about an it based company example ecommere company ebanking etc this could be the company you are working for or a fictional company the introduction should include explain the company s activities list three type 1


– Write a small introduction about an IT based company (Example: eCommere company, eBanking…etc), this could be the company you are working for or a fictional company. The introduction should include / explain the company’s activities.

– List three type of threats you think the company could face or is already facing.
– Prioritize those threats (which one should be addressed first) and include an explanation.
– Include a countermeasure for each threat.

Feel free to include any real life examples and/or personal experiences.


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