
Written Essay (600 words)

Written Essay (600 words)

I’m trying to learn for my Art & Design class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

((Choose 2 different 20th Century art movements and write in a clear and succinct manner what are the similarities or difference between the movements chosen. (600 words)))

1-Module 1: Early 20th century movements

Expressionism, Fauvism, German Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism

Dada, Surrealism, Suprematism, De Stijl, Constructivism

2-Module 2: Mid-20th century movements

Abstract Expressionism, Colour Field painting, Geometric and Monochromatic Abstraction, Kinetic art, Pop art, Photo Realism, Op art, Minimalism

3-Module 3: Late 20th century movements

Conceptual art, Appropriation, Installation art, Feminist art, Land art, Earthwork and Site Specific Installations, Performance and Happenings, Post-Minimalism, Post-Conceptualism, Neo-Expressionism, Neo Geo, New German Expressionism 80s

Here is the module 1,2, and 3 uploaded below.

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