Advancing Bilingual Education Through Teaching
Write an educational philosophy for a future bilingual teacher.
Develop an essay outlining a philosophy of education based on your current professional and personal experience (bilingual teacher 2nd grade Spanish). The Educational Philosophy must be between 600 – 1000 words, be written in APA style* with clear and concise writing, and without grammatical errors.
-Make the Educational Philosophy Statement brief and well written
-Use a narrative, first-person approach. This allows the philosophy to be both personal and reflective.
-Be sincere and unique. Avoid clichés, especially ones about how much passion you have for teaching.
-Make it specific rather than abstract. Ground the ideas in 1-2 concrete examples, whether experienced or anticipated. This will help the reader to better visualize you in the classroom.
-Be discipline specific. Do not ignore your research. Explain how you advance your field (bilingual education) through teaching.
-Avoid jargon and technical terms, as they can be off-putting to some readers. It should not feel like a resume or CV.
-Be humble. Mention students in an enthusiastic, not condescending way, and illustrate your willingness to learn from your students and colleagues.
*Note about APA- For this assignment requires to use APA style, but do not use references or citations. APA style should be used for the general formatting of your essay and your title page. You will not need an abstract for this paper.
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