
Carrie Overwood works fluctuating work schedules. Besides her fixed salary of $1,050 per week, her.. 1 answer below »

Carrie Overwood works fluctuating work schedules. Besides her fixed salary of $1,050 per week, her.. 1 answer below »


Carrie Overwood works fluctuating work schedules. Besides her fixed salary of $1,050 per week, her employment agreement provides for overtime pay at an extra half-rate for hours worked over 40. This week she worked 48 hours. Compute: a. The overtime earnings ……………………………………………………………………….. $ _______ b. The total earnings ……………………………………………………………………………… $ _______ c. If this was a BELO plan with a pay rate of $22.00 per hour and a maximum of 53 hours, how much would Overwood be paid for 48 hours? ………………………………………….. $ _______

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