
Develop skills in hazard education and communication of risk

Develop skills in hazard education and communication of risk


Overview: Over the course of this term you will develop a hazard preparedness plan. The project will focus on natural hazards and associated risks that you need to prepare for in your everyday lives here in
British Columbia. This can relate to hazards you face at home, on campus or in other settings, such as through sports, recreational activities or local travel. Though there may be some similarities in the hazards faced and actions to be taken, each individual preparedness plan will be unique in respect ofdescribing the geographic risk environment (e.g. the specific neighbourhood you reside in) and your personal risk profile (i.e. the diverse activities you engage in that might make you more or less susceptible to certain risks) .
Learning outcomes
By the end of this term project students will be able to:
• Assess the natural hazards they may face in everyday situations
• Evaluate the personal and community risk of these different hazards
• Develop skills in hazard education and communication of risk
• Develop personal resilience to cope with potential future hazards


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