
Do’s And Don’ts Of Ergonomics In Scanning And In Patient Care

Do’s And Don’ts Of Ergonomics In Scanning And In Patient Care


This is a research paper about the Ergonomics in Sonography. You will use APA formatting. The paper must be typed, use Time New Roman 12 pt font, and must be double spaced. You must include a title page and references page. The paper must be 4-5 pages in length excluding the title and reference pages. Your paper must contain at least 4 references. If using Internet resources, make sure they are credible sources such as .org or .edu. Do not use .com or Wikipedia. Use APA formatted citations. Pay attention to the grammar and spelling.

Search the Internet for sources on the history of sonography. Some are listed below.

A rubric is provided.

Include the following information with supporting details and/or examples:
· Introduction
· What is Ergonomics
· What are WRMSD or RSIs?
· Describe some common WRMSD or RSIs conditions including their symptoms
· Discuss how these injuries occur
· Describe equipment and/or scanning aids that would be helpful in the prevention of WRMSD or RSIs
· Provide some Do’s and Don’ts of ergonomics in scanning and in patient care.
· Describe what steps you would take to help sonographers prevent injuries if you were the manager of the ultrasound department

Recommended Websites
http://www.soundergonomics.com/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/hospital/sonography/sonography.html (Links to an external site.)

http://www.sdms.org/resources/careers/work-related-musculoskeletal-disorders (Links to an external site.)

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