
English Homework SImple must be great work no plag

English Homework SImple must be great work no plag


Throughout Lesson 1 you have explored the many ways in which authors use elements of poetry to communicate the meaning of a poem. Now you have an opportunity to share what you know and do so in a multimedia format.
You may choose any multimedia presentation tool you would like. Here are some possibilities:
Powerpoint Prezi.com SlideDog.comSway
Animoto.com Slideful.comPowtoon.com YouTube.com
HOW you present the information is up to you! WHAT you need to present is as follows:
1. Choose a poem from either the poems assigned in this course or one from a well-known author (i.e. Robert Frost Gwendolyn Brooks Alice Walker Emily Dickinson. NOT a poem by a friend or yourself). You may also consider choosing the lyrics of a song you like (again by a famous/well-known artist).
2. Use the chart below as a planning guide to help you identify specific elements of poetry within your chosen piece. Then present this information in whatever multimedia format you choose.
3. Refer to the Poetry Presentation Scoring Rubric. Use it as a checklist to ensure you fulfill all assignment requirements before submitting your work for grading.

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