
GMO case study

GMO case study


Once you complete this learning activity, your next task will be to complete an assessment for grading using the quiz feature. The assessment will consist of a series of multiple choice and short answer questions, followed by a longer written response. You should prepare your response in advance so that you can add it in when you get to the end of the assessment.

The instructions and marking criteria for this response are outlined below:


Review your work and research on the GMO case study. You will submit a response that explains your stand on the question “should genetically modified food be banned?”.

In your response you should explain what genetically modified food is, including some examples. Then, explain if you believe that genetically modified food should be banned or not. You should include examples, reference current regulations and laws and scientific facts to show why you believe this. You will be assessed on your work giving evidence why you think they should or should not be banned. You are encouraged to find sources on your own, but to get you started a list of suggested references are below.

Success Criteria

  • Describe some main techniques used in biotechnology to genetically modify food
  • Based on research, analyse some of the social, ethical, and legal implications of biotechnology (genetically modified foods)
  • Demonstrate expression and organization of ideas and information with logic (across the presentation) using scientific terminology.
  • Compare and analyse some key aspects of Canadian regulations pertaining to biotechnology

Success Criteria

  • Describe some main techniques used in biotechnology to genetically modify food
  • Based on research, analyse some of the social, ethical, and legal implications of biotechnology (genetically modified foods)
  • Demonstrate expression and organization of ideas and information with logic (across the presentation) using scientific terminology.
  • Compare and analyse some key aspects of Canadian regulations pertaining to biotechnology

The post GMO case study appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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