
Latinos In The US

Latinos In The US


Assignment Description
The Intercultural Communication Experience is an opportunity for you to practice
intercultural communication skills by interviewing Latino students in your community and
reflecting on your communication choices and outcomes.
Assignment Requirements
1) Ask the following three questions (required):
How does being Latino/Mexican-American/Guatemalan… impact your
What role does language (Spanish, Mayan, and/or English) play in your
daily life?
Describe your cultural experiences living here in the US as a
2) Come up with 2-3 additional questions on your own. What do you want to know
about Latinos, their backgrounds/values/beliefs/attitudes/behaviors? If you are
Latino, what are you interested in learning about other Latinos here in the United
4) Research cultural differences between your culture and the culture of your
interviewee using the country comparison tool at
5) Participate in the interview.
6) Discuss the interview in a 3-4 page paper. Your reflection should include:
A brief description of the interview context/setting
Answers to the questions
Specific communication strategies and skills you applied to the
How you overcame any barriers, challenges, and/or misconceptions as
the interview took place
What you learned about Latinos in the US
What you learned about yourself as an intercultural communicator
7) Share your findings with the class, and the College community

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