
Make instructor correction to: essay the characterization of dee in

Make instructor correction to: essay the characterization of dee in


These are the instructors requested corrections needed to this paper:


You have a good essay just quite a few of small errors that need attention–here they are– too much space above title and bellow date–you must keep double space para 1 short story “Everyday Use” where the story is told in the first person by Ms Johnson of view, it is evident Alice Walker, Dee is para 2 than words, and does go a long way (subject is things) out the fire, but she does not uneducated, including the life she and Maggie lived old house,  and these have (refers to photos) para 3 comes back and starts she comes back and starts claiming received from Dee, she grows to be shy para 4 exclude the (subj=photos) she loves herself she does not want others Dee is dressed when she comes cherishes her roots (NO Dee despises her roots and hides them or denies them) ankle-length para 5 selfish–among other traits of Dee–have been people say about her what she does what she says Dee . . .plays important role in putting Dee, who grows through the traits  acquired to become on works cited Literature: An Introduction to  . . goes in italics 

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