
NUR440 FINAL PROJECT MILESTONE 3-Annotated Bibliography

NUR440 FINAL PROJECT MILESTONE 3-Annotated Bibliography


Overview: In Milestone Two, you formulated your PICO(T) question. For Milestone Three, you will construct an annotated bibliography by using your PICO(T) to guide your research. The annotated bibliography will assist you in gathering a detailed list of resources to use in your integrative review of the literature. An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources with an accompanying paragraph that describes, explains, and/or evaluates each entry in terms of quality, authority, and relevance. The purpose of writing an annotated bibliography is to provide an overview of the research that has been published on a particular topic.

Prompt: For this milestone, you will prepare an annotated bibliography with at least six citations. An annotation concisely paraphrases the main idea and purpose of the selected resource. The annotation of a scholarly journal should identify the thesis (or research question, or hypothesis), the methods used, and its discussion or conclusions. Remember that identifying the purpose is a different task than listing the resource’s contents. To be more precise, the annotation should state why the contents are there. While constructing your annotations, be sure to include the following critical elements:

• Restate argument or thesis, methods, and conclusions (1–2 sentences)

• Evaluate/critique resource (1–2 sentences)

• Make connection to PICO(T) question (1–2 sentences)

Guidelines for Submission: Your annotated bibliography must be submitted as a 4–6 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and six sources cited in APA format. Your chosen sources must be recent (within the last five years), peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles, and should appear in alphabetical order.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Resources Incorporates six or more peer- Incorporates four or five peer- Incorporates fewer than four 10
reviewed, scholarly resources reviewed, scholarly resources peer-reviewed, scholarly
(100%) (55%) resources (0%)
Annotation: Clearly and concisely restates Restates thesis, methods, and Incompletely restates thesis, Does not restate thesis, 26
Restatement thesis, methods, and conclusion conclusion of each resource methods, and conclusion of methods, or conclusion of
of each resource resources resources
Annotation: Clearly and concisely evaluates Evaluates each resource for Briefly or incompletely Does not evaluate resources for 27
Evaluation each resource in terms of quality evaluates each resource for quality
quality, demonstrating insight quality
into the research process
Annotation: Concisely states connection to States connection to research Briefly or incompletely Does not make connection to 27
Connection research question question identifies connection to research question
research question

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