
Persuasive Speech Assignment

Persuasive Speech Assignment


This is part 1 ofa 2part assignment. I will post part 2 at a later date. Please read all the materials provided and whatever topic you choose remember there will be a visual aid presentation (video) that cannot exceed 1 minute.
The instructor will use plagiarism software so I urge you be truthful to your work. Please do note plagiarize anyones work!!!!
Presentation Aids: You are to use at least one presentation aid in this speech. You may incorporate a video into the speech but it may not exceed one minute in length.(part 2 of the assignment)
Secondary Research: You are to cite a minimum of three credible print sources in this speech. Sources should also be cited in the text of your outline and in the reference list of your outline. (part 2 of the assignment)
Outline: You are to turn in a detailed outline with your speech. See the provided outline template for more details. (part 2 of the assignment)

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