
Potential Risks For Both The Crew And Patient During The Transport Of A Psychiatric Patient

Potential Risks For Both The Crew And Patient During The Transport Of A Psychiatric Patient


You have been tasked to transport a 22 year old patient with newly diagnosed schizophrenia from a regional hospital to a secure psychiatric unit 500km away. The patient has been violent and has required sedation overnight.
Describe how you would prepare for and carry out this mission including your rational for aircraft selection, crew configuration, clinical considerations and pre, during and post flight management.
Discuss the issues around physical and chemical restraint during transport, your decision regarding the best approach to take and how you will carry out the restraint.
Identify potential risks for both the crew and patient during the transport of a psychiatric patient and how to minimise these.
Attach as an appendix to your assignment a brief guideline outlining best practice for the transfer of a psychiatric patient by your aeromedical service (either pre-hospital or inter-hospital).

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