
Project powerpoint | Computer Science homework help

Project powerpoint | Computer Science homework help


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Goal: The goal of the Research Project is to present information about the differences between qualitative, quantitative, and critical research methods

Course Objectives: COs 3, 4, & 5


Overview of Proposed Research Project PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

Over the past 8 weeks, we’ve learned about the differences between qualitative, quantitative, and critical research methods. We’ve covered a lot of ground, and now you get to put it all together in your Proposed Research Project PowerPoint. This week you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation over your Proposed Research Project that you previously prepared for Week 7.

Guidelines for Proposed Research Project PowerPoint Presentation

Please organize your PowerPoint presentation using these guidelines:

Overview of Research Phenomenon (3 slides)

Preferred Research Paradigm (4  slides)

Literature Review Highlights (3  slides)

Conclusion (3  slides) – In your conclusion, please discuss why your research matters, what kinds of future research could you expect to conduct, what you have learned overall as a result of this assignment.

Please see the attached rubric for grading guidelines.

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