
SES09709 – Intermediate Biomechanics (Singapore)

SES09709 – Intermediate Biomechanics (Singapore)


The online exam will take place in week 13, on the 17th of August 2020 at 9.30am. The exam time limit is 3 hours. This exam will comprise of 4 sections. You will answer 1 question in each section. On the above date and time, you will find the assessment details on the Moodle page in a folder labelled ‘Online Exam Paper ’. You will download the assessment details and complete your assessment in a Microsoft Word document in the allocated time. Any hand-drawn diagrams or maths workings must be incorporated in your document. Before the time expires, you will submit your document to TurnItIn. The TurnItIn link will also be provided within this folder. Please note there is no Draft submission box, you are only allowed to submit once. Please read the assessment brief below for detailed information on assessment regulations. Online Exam – Assessment BriefFile Online Exam Submission BoxTurnitin Assignment 2 Please note you are only allowed to submit your assessment once. If you encounter difficulties with submitting your work to Turnitin, you must immediately email the module leader Margarida (m.dias@napier.ac.uk), including details of the issue and appropriate screenshots to support your problem. Your email must also include your submission as an attached document. The Module Leader will then submit this file to Turnitin.

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