
Similarities And Differences Between Ethical Theories And Unethical Rationalizations

Similarities And Differences Between Ethical Theories And Unethical Rationalizations


Write a 4-page case study paper (2 pages of content) that describes three
ethical decision-making theories and three unethical rationalizations. Include
the following sections and citations from at least 2 peer reviewed sources:
A. Introduction
B. Ethical Theories
1. Describe 3 theories of ethics.
2. May the ethical theory result in an unethical decision or action?
• Explain the rationale for your response and support your rationale
with in-text citations.
C. Unethical Rationalizations
1. Describe 3 unethical rationalizations.
2. May the unethical rationalization result in an ethical decision or action?
• Explain the rationale for your response and support your rationale
with in-text citations.
D. Analysis
1. Describe the similarities and differences between the ethical theories
and unethical rationalizations as they relate to leadership decision
E. Conclusion

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