
The Functional Areas Of A Business

The Functional Areas Of A Business


This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 200–350-word range. Explain ‘why’ with supporting evidence and concepts. Include in-text citations and associated references in a reference list.

Answer the following questions:

Identify one of the external force that influences business and discuss the force.
Choose one of the following companies: Ford Motors, Anheuser-Busch, Santander Bank, Silver Airways, Scotts Miracle-Gro Co., J C Penney’s, Sanford Health, Under Armour, or that is being significantly influenced by the factor you selected.
Now that you have selected a company and identified one external force (Monsanto and GMOs, for example), the next step is to research the company’s activities during the past six to twelve months, as they relate to this external force. You will want to start at the company’s website. What are the company owners and managers are doing/saying about issues related to the selected force. Identify and consider the stakeholders, as well, and look for information on how stakeholders are influencing company reaction/action.

Using the research you performed above and the course materials to craft your initial discussion posting. In this initial post you will:

Provide a brief background on the company.
Identify and discuss the external force you selected.
Identify the functional areas of a business.
Explain how this external force is currently influencing the internal functional area(s) of the organization. For example, explain what short-term changes, actions, or decisions need to be made within the functional areas of the company as a result of the external force. Be specific.
Discuss how the company might address this external force over the long term? For example, if you selected the Ronald McDonald House and the external force is corporate citizenship [not an actual external factor), you might surmise that the slow economy and high unemployment will put additional pressure on McDonald’s to provide more assistance to families and people in need. However, in a slow economy people are less likely to make donations. McDonald’s is being asked to do more but may have less to do it with. In the long term, if donations do not increase and demand remains high, the company may have to look for other means besides donations to support its mission. Marketing may need to increase, and the finance department may start to look for ways to cut costs.
Discuss how stakeholders are influenced or influence the decisions made by the organization.

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