
The Labor And Technology That Goes Into Producing Cactus

The Labor And Technology That Goes Into Producing Cactus


Commodity Chains of Cactus

1. Find out where it comes from (e.g. where it is grown or harvested), and where it is processed. If it comes from several different regions, pick one and focus on that (Arizona).

2. Research the labor and technology that goes into producing it. For example, if some of it comes from a mine or is grown on a farm, where is the mine or the farm? Who owns the mine or the farm? Do the owners do the work, or do they hire miners or farmworkers? If so, who are the workers? How does one do the harvesting and processing work (i.e. what is the labor process)? What technologies/tools are used? Where do these technologies come from (are they imported? were they developed ​in situ?).

3. Research how these products are distributed across space. How does it find its way from the point of production to the point of final sale? Who sells it? Who buys it? Where are the buyers? Do they then sell it to someone else? How does it get to market? Boat? Plane? Do they have to pack it a special way so it does not get wrecked or go bad? Who does the packing? Who receives it? Where does it end up?

​1000 to 1200 words.

Grading​: 2/3rds for content (quality and depth of research, variety of information sources, clarity of explanation); 1/3rd for form (structure, grammar, organization).
Keep in mind
● Do as much triangulation as possible, you will need to review many accounts.
● Some of the information will be on the web, but nowhere near all.
● Do not plagiarize​. Even one partial sentence copied word for word is plagiarism if uncited.

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