
Week 5 discussion 1 working together to achieve a common goal | EDU 696 Capstone II: Culminating Project | Ashford University

Week 5 discussion 1 working together to achieve a common goal | EDU 696 Capstone II: Culminating Project | Ashford University


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In this discussion, your instructor will assign and post your mock professional learning community (PLC) group of approximately two to three peers. Once your group has been identified, begin collaborating with the group in this discussion and in the Professional Learning Communities discussion for this week. In this discussion, your first step is to get to know your partners in your mock PLC.

Post a brief introduction of your professional and/or educational background and current grade you teach or would like to teach, as well as reminder of your program of study MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE or MATLT.

Guided Response: As a group, identify a leader. The leader will then:

  • Complete      and attach the Group      Agreement documentPreview the document.
  • Post      your group name.
  • List      each member of your group, the program they are in (MACI, MAECEL, MAED,      MASE, or MATLT) and which of the bulleted points listed in Discussion Two      each member of the group will be working on.
  • Identify      what mode of communication you will use to work together to complete and      disseminate the discussion points. Use the Group Agreement document as      your guide for your collaboration. Individually, you will attach and post      your section in the Professional Learning Communities discussion for this      week.

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