
Week One Discussion One 19776281

Week One Discussion One 19776281


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March 6, 2021

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March 6, 2021

For discussion one; let us start out with defining and defending ethical behavior.  When I was attending graduate school my instructor gave the class an example of outstanding ethics.  If you can remember Scotch-Gard; a spray that was produced by the 3M company.  Scotch-Guard was widely used in the United States to protect fabric.   It was discovered that the chemical compound in the stray was harmful, it was also found in every living thing and soil around the world.  In response to the discovery 3M stopped making the product and was transparent about the effects.  3M was lauded as the most business ethical company in the world and even holds that title today.  There are some lawsuits against 3M and one could argue that they did not have a choice on their response so this could be a fun debate.
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