
Why It’s Important For The Human Service Professional To Have Knowledge Of Community Resources

Why It’s Important For The Human Service Professional To Have Knowledge Of Community Resources


You read about the human service professional’s work within communities while addressing issues and problems of individuals. It is important that you as a human service professional familiarize yourself with methods to improve your life as well as the lives of your clients who live in communities. You also read about how the external environment may affect the lives of those you work with and you. Therefore, the human service professional must also become knowledgeable of the social, political, and environmental conditions that affect their clients.

You explored how you as a professional may have an impact on not only the individual client but also on the client’s community. You also read how the human service professional plays multiple roles in the community. Those roles include: advocate, educator, consultant, change agent, facilitator of indigenous support systems, facilitator of indigenous healing systems, and adviser. Because of the numerous roles of the human service professional, a systems perspective in understanding the community as a functioning unit is essential. This reading also emphasizes the importance of mobilizing community resources and influencing policymakers in one’s efforts to promote community change.

Please respond to the following:

As a human service professional, how might you identify some of the responsibilities the professional may need in bringing about change in the community?
Why is it important for the human service professional to have knowledge of community resources?
How might you as the professional develop strategies that will lead to empowerment of individuals within community settings?
What are the advantages of the professional educating the client about community resources?
Please remember to cite your work using APA format when referencing from the text or outside resources.

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